How To Optimize The Family Section Japanese Feng Shui with Free Download worksheets

The family section in your Japanese Feng Shui Baqua is very important. It is the area where you and your family can come together to relax and bond. Therefore, you want this area to be as comfortable and inviting as possible. Here are some tips on optimizing the family section in your Japanese Feng Shui Baqua.


1. Make sure the family section is clean and clutter-free. This will allow the chi to flow freely and allow you and your family to relax and feel comfortable.

2. Choose furniture that is comfortable and inviting. You want this area to be a place where you can kick back and relax. Avoid anything that is too formal or stiff.

3. Add some personal touches to the area. This could include photos, paintings, or anything else that brings you Joy. This will make the area more personal and inviting.

4. Make sure the lighting in the area is soft and relaxed. You don’t want anything too bright or harsh. Candles are a great way to add soft, relaxing lighting to the area.

5."Activate" the area with plants or in natural wood containers. These elements will bring life energy into the space and create a more relaxing atmosphere.

6."Protected" the area with a salt lamp or Himalayan salt crystal. This will help to negative energy from entering the space and disturbing the peace."

8. Finally, remember to add some elements of fun! This could be games, toys, or anything else that brings laughter and joy to the space.


Following these tips, you can optimize the family section in your Japanese Feng Shui Baqua for maximum comfort, relaxation, and Joy!


Family section


Middle Left section of the Baqua

Color: Green

Element: Wood


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