Discover how to use feng shui and the color purple to empower your rituals and bring positive change into your life.

The color purple has been associated with wealth and prosperity for centuries. In feng shui, the color purple is used to enhance the energy of money and abundance. But how did this association come about? And what does it mean for you and your home? Let’s take a closer look.

The Origins of Purple Prosperity

The association of purple with wealth and royalty dates back thousands of years. In ancient times, only royalty could afford to wear clothing dyed with Tyrian purple—a vibrant shade of purple made from a rare sea snail. Because it was so expensive and rare, wearing Tyrian purple became a symbol of power and status.

In feng shui, the color purple is associated with the element of water. Water is a powerful symbol of abundance because it is essential for life—just like money is essential for achieving our goals and dreams. The energy of water is flowing and ever-changing, just like the ebb and flow of finances in our lives. When we invite the energy of water into our homes through the use of colors like purple, we are opening up our space to more prosperity.

How to Use Feng Shui Colors in Your Home

Now that you know a little bit more about the history and symbolism of the color purple, you may be wondering how you can use it in your own home to attract more wealth and abundance. Here are a few ideas:

-Paint one wall in your home office or bedroom a rich shade of purple. This will help you to feel more grounded and supported as you work towards your financial goals.

-Add some lavender or violet blooms to fresh flower arrangements around your home.

-Place amethyst crystals in your abundance area (the far left corner of your home as you stand at the front door).

-Use candles, pillows, throws, and other decor items in shades of plum, violet, lavender, etc. to bring a sense of luxury into your space.

-Burn sage or palo santo in your home on a regular basis to cleanse away any negative energy that might be blocking your path to prosperity.

-Last but not least, remember that feng shui is all about creating balance in your life. So while adding touches of purple throughout your home can certainly help to create good chi (positive energy), be sure not to go overboard! A little bit goes a long way when it comes to feng shui colors.

While there are many different colors used in feng shui for various purposes, the color purple has always been associated with wealth and prosperity. Thanks to its luxurious history and powerful symbolism, using shades of purple in your home can help you to attract more abundance into your life. So don’t be afraid to go bold with this beautiful hue—your wallet will thank you for it!


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This is a FREE digital download of information on feng shui techniques. Learn how to use blue in the wealth area for prosperity.