This is a FREE digital download of information on feng shui techniques. Learn how to use blue in the wealth area for prosperity.

Feng Shui & the Color Blue

Japanese-style Feng Shui and the Bagua

I’m sure you have all heard of Feng Shui, but did you know there is such a thing as Japanese-style Feng Shui? I bet you didn’t! Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of placement and harmony. The idea is that by arranging your furniture and belongings in certain ways, you can improve the flow of energy (or Chi) in your home or office, and thus improve your luck in various areas of life.

The Bagua is a tool used in Feng Shui to map out the energies in a space. It is divided into 9 sections, each representing a different area of life: Career, Knowledge, Family, Wealth, Fame, Love & Marriage, Health, Children & Creativity, and Helpful People & Travel. According to Feng Shui theory, if your career area is cluttered or blocked off, it will be difficult for you to advance in your job. If your knowledge section is dark or disorganized, you will have trouble retaining information. And so on.

Choosing Colors for Each Area

One way to improve the Chi flow in each area is by choosing colors that represent that energy. For example, the color blue is associated with the element of water, which represents wealth and prosperity. So if you want to attract more wealth and prosperity into your life, you would want to use the color blue in that area of your home or office.

But it’s not just about using any old blue; it’s about choosing the right shade of blue. Different shades of blue have different feels to them. A light blue might represent clarity and calm while a dark blue might represent depth and power. It’s important to choose a hue that resonates with the feeling you want to achieve in that area of your life.

The same goes for all the other colors associated with the different areas of life. Red can represent either love & marriage or fame & recognition; it all depends on the shade you choose. Green can represent either health or children & creativity; again, it all depends on the particular hue.

Have fun experimenting with different colors in each area of your home or office! See what feels right to you and go with it. There’s no wrong way to do it; just make sure you’re putting some thought into it so that you can get the most out of Japanese-style Feng Shui!


Discover how to use feng shui and the color purple to empower your rituals and bring positive change into your life.