As an avid tarot enthusiast, I love to explore how a card’s meaning can manifest in my life. Today, I’m focusing on the 8 of Cups reversed - an interesting and complex card that has a lot to offer. In this blog post, I’ll discuss how this card works in my life in relation to my career, family, work, communication, emotions, money and more.

The 8 of Cups reversed is associated with taking risks and being bold when it comes to change. When this card appears reversed in a reading, it suggests that now is the time for me to take action and break away from monotony and complacency. It encourages me to be brave enough to put myself out there and try something new or unexpected. This could mean anything from daring career moves to taking on more creative projects at home or even engaging in a bit of social activism! Regardless of what I choose to do, this card suggests that the rewards will outweigh any struggles along the way.

The 8 of Cups reversed also speaks about relationships - both romantic and platonic. In terms of romance, it indicates a need for openness and honesty in order for things to progress smoothly. On the flip side, if I’ve been experiencing tension with friends or family members lately, this card encourages me to express my feelings rather than bottle them up inside - even if it means facing uncomfortable conversations head-on!

In addition to these main themes, the 8 of Cups reversed also offers insight into how money might be coming into play right now. If I’m actively seeking out new opportunities that bring financial reward (or looking for ways to save some cash) then this card serves as a reminder that good fortunes are around the corner! However - if I find myself relying too heavily on external sources of income such as loans or investments then this could be a warning sign that it might not be worth taking such risks right now.

All in all, the 8 of Cups reversed offers fantastic advice on all aspects of life - from career aspirations and emotional wellbeing through to finances and relationships! Its message is one of empowerment; encouraging me not only to take risks but also develop an understanding that whatever happens along the way is part of the journey towards true fulfilment. Ultimately, it reassures me that no matter what obstacles come my way - there will always be light at the end of the tunnel!


The Nine of Cups - Your Wish is My Command!


The Eight of Cups and What It Means For You