Reach the Goal

Reach the Goal

  • Key objective

  • Goal checklist

  • Places to visit

  • People to meet

  • special note

    all on one page

It's all about the journey, not the destination, they say. But what if your destination is the only thing that matters? What if you're doing it all for that one moment when you finally achieve your goal?

For Sandra, reaching her goal is everything. It's all she ever thinks about, all she ever talks about. She knows what it will take to get there, and she's willing to do whatever it takes. Her friends and family might not always understand her single-mindedness, but they know that when Sandra sets her mind on something, she'll achieve it.

And so it goes day after day: Sandra working tirelessly towards her goal, never letting up for a second. She knows that there will be challenges along the way, but nothing can stop her from reaching her ultimate destination.



Labyrinth Walking: A Meditative Journey for Self-Reflection and Spiritual Connection


Notary Journal: It is about the Details