Your Alternative New Age Mental & Spiritual Balance Essential Oil Recipes: Essential Oil Logbook

Price: $12.99

Set up your essential oil recipes

Twenty-four pages of Essential oil Inventory

  • Name of essential oil

  • What is the essential oil used for

  • Date the raw product opened

What are your favorite essential oils?

Fourteen pages with enough writing space for 84 items listed

  • Essential Oils that

    • For Energy

    • Are Calming

    • For Sleep

    • To Focus

    • For Clarity

    • For Wellness

    • For Romance

    • For Anxiety

    • For Joyfulness

Testing Recipes

Twenty-eight pages for testing recipes

To be used for what purpose

  • Diffuse

  • Inhaler

  • Topical

  • Other

How do this blended rate and special notes

Keeper Recipes

Sixty- four pages of keeper recipes

  • Name

  • Date Created

  • Day

  • Time

  • History of the recipe

  • Type

  • Tips on how to use the oil

    • Inhaler

    • Diffuser

    • Cleanser

    • topical

    • Other

  • additional notes

Great for Christmas gifts, stocking stuffers, Birthday Gifts, Valentine's Day, Father's Day Gifts, Mother's Day Gifts, Mindful Gifts, Creative Expression gifts, and New Year's Gifts.


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