Elizabeth’s Journal: Personalized Journal

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Create your own story…

Elizabeth was a young girl who loved to write in her journal. She always looked forward to sitting down by the swamp and writing about her day. She would watch the beautiful sunset, and listen to the willow branches sway in the breeze. It was a peaceful time for her, and she always felt inspired when she wrote.

One evening, Elizabeth decided to take her journal out into the swamp with her. The sun was setting, and the sky was filled with beautiful colors. Elizabeth sat down on a rock near the water and began writing. Suddenly, she heard something moving in the bushes nearby. She nervously glanced over at the bushes, but saw nothing there. Just as she was about to continue writing, she heard it again-

150 pages for Elizabeth....Writing notes, making lists, or manifesting ideas in your Journal.... Bring to life in your own words

Personalized journal by Sandra Piotrzkowski

Price: $8.99


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