Exploring the Numerology of Tarot Cards the number 2

Exploring the Numerology of Tarot Cards

The numerology of tarot cards is a fascinating concept that has been around for centuries. It’s said to provide insight into our lives and can be used to predict the future, explain our past, and give us an understanding of our current situations. In this blog post, we will explore some of the tarot cards associated with the number 2 and what it means for you.

The High Priestess card (No.2) is associated with mystery and wisdom. It symbolizes your inner power and intuition. This card encourages you to explore yourself, to listen to your inner voice, and to use your intuition as a guide in life. The Judgment card (No.20) is also linked with the number 2 as it reduces down to two when we reduce it further. This card speaks about decisions that you have made in your life – whether they were right or wrong – and how they will affect your future. It encourages you to look at the choices you've made so far and what kind of impact they could have on your life going forward.

The Justice card (No. 11) is another tarot card associated with the number 2 – reducing down from 11 to 2 when we reduce it further. This card signifies fairness, balance, and reasonability in decision-making processes or disputes between two people/groups/situations etc.. It encourages us all to take responsibility for our own actions and think things through before making any decisions or judgments that could affect other people’s lives too.

The last four tarot cards associated with the number 2 are Wands (No. 2), Swords (No. 2), Cups (No. 2) and Pentacles ( No. 2). Each one of these cards represents something different yet ultimately similar – they all suggest growth, balance, trustworthiness and knowledge within one’s self-development journey. While each one has its own individual meaning depending on which deck you use; generally speaking they all link back to self-improvement in some way shape or form – be that physically, mentally, spiritually or emotionally - leading us on a path towards success if we choose wisely!

In conclusion then; numerology plays an important role in helping us make sense of various aspects of our lives by providing us with deeper insights into ourselves than we may realize on our own! That being said; exploring these numbers through tarot cards can help us gain valuable knowledge about ourselves that can be applied both personally as well as professionally - allowing us weigh up pros & cons before embarking on any journey - be that physical or mental! Ultimately then; by understanding more about ourselves & others through numerology & tarot cards we can make better decisions for ourselves & those around us - leading to greater peace & harmony both within ourselves & without!


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