How to teach your child subtraction with missing digits

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Is your child struggling with subtraction? Do they have trouble understanding how to solve problems when digits are missing? If so, don't worry - you can help them at home with a few simple strategies. Keep reading to learn how to teach your child subtraction with missing digits. With a little practice, they'll subtract like a pro in no time

1. Start by writing subtraction equations with all numbers filled in, such as 7 - 2 = 5 or 9 - 4 = 5.

2. Then, have your child solve the equation and check their answer.

3. Once they understand the concept of solving a basic subtraction equation, introduce missing digits by leaving one of the numbers blank, such as __ - 4 = 6.

4. Have your child figure out what the missing number is before solving the equation (in this case, it would be 10).

5. Continue practicing with different equations, gradually increasing difficulty as your child becomes more comfortable with finding missing digits in subtraction equations.

6. As an extra challenge, you can also have them solve equations where both numbers are missing, such as __ - __ = 3. In this case, they will have to find two possible solutions (6 and -3).

7. Keep practicing until your child feels confident in their abilities to solve subtraction equations with missing digits.

Give your child a head start in math by teaching them the basics of subtraction. Once they understand subtraction and how to do it, help them practice solving problems with missing digits. With some patience and hard work, they'll soon be subtracting like a pro! Reward their milestones with fun activities or treats to encourage them to keep practicing and improving their skills.


Subtraction Worksheets Below


Empowerment Thru Math by Sandra: Helping Your Child With Subtraction Expanding 2 Digits With Regrouping


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