Enhancing the Benefits and Remedying the Blocks of North Facing Main House Entrances using Japanese Feng Shui Remedies and Modern Remedies

One of the most critical elements in a home’s feng shui is its main entrance, as it is the entry point of energy or Chi. In Japanese feng shui, the direction of the main entrance is a crucial consideration as each direction has corresponding elements and cosmic energy. For north-facing main entrances, it is essential to know the benefits and blocks and how to enhance the positives and remedy the issues. In this article, we will explore Japanese feng shui remedies and modern remedies to achieve a balanced and harmonious flow of energy in your home.

The north direction is associated with the element of water, and its energy is tranquil and calming. Homes with north-facing main entrances have an excellent opportunity to harness this energy for their benefit. One of the benefits of a north-facing entrance is that it attracts wealth and career opportunities. To enhance this benefit, make sure that your entrance is well-lit to attract positive energy, and place a water feature near the entrance to boost the water element.

On the downside, a north-facing entrance may also bring negative energy, resulting in financial difficulties and ill health. One way to remedy this situation is to create a strong and sturdy front door with a solid frame and bright colors. You can also add plants near the entrance to activate the wood element and bring balance to the water element. Incorporating metal elements such as wind chimes and metal artwork can also create a harmonious flow of energy.

Another way to enhance the positive energy of a north-facing entrance is to keep it clutter-free. Clutter can block the flow of energy, causing stagnation and negative energy. Hence, make sure that your entrance is tidy, and objects are in their appropriate places. Additionally, adding warm and welcoming decorations can create a harmonious and inviting atmosphere.

Finally, modern remedies such as lighting and color can also enhance the benefits of a north-facing entrance. Soft and warm lighting can create a cozy and inviting energy, while colors such as green, blue, and purple can activate the water element and boost career opportunities.

By taking conscious steps to enhance the benefits and remedy the blocks of a north-facing entrance, you can create a harmonious flow of energy in your home. Always keep in mind that in Japanese feng shui, the direction of your main entrance is a significant factor, and using appropriate remedies can help you align with the flow of cosmic energy. By balancing the water element and adding modern remedies such as lighting and colors, you can achieve the perfect balance of energy and create a welcoming and harmonious atmosphere in your home.


Discover the benefits of southwest-facing main house entrances in Japanese feng shui and how to enhance them


Unlocking the Benefits and Remedying the Blocks of a South-Facing Main House Entrance with Japanese Feng Shui